Trim the Tree, but Don't Go Crazy!

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The Holidays. A time for laughter, presents, parties and ..STRESS! The holidays are a lot like a wedding: so many fun plans to make for one big exciting day. But the stress of the holidays (or a wedding) can really take its toll on our bodies and emotions. How can we keep our cool while trying to take on oh so much? Holidays and Weddings demand so much more of our time and attention that we can easily forget even the simplest things- like to breathe. So as we embark on the Holidays, we offer you a few simple tips to help you deal with this very stressful time.
1. RECOGNIZE YOUR EMOTIONS- It’s okay to feel overwhelmed, you have a lot to do but take a step back and acknowledge your (over) loaded emotions. This is always the first step..acknowledge, acknowledge, acknowledge.
2. USE ONE OF YOUR LIFELINES- PHONE A FRIEND! Call someone to help you escape even if it’s just for a cup of coffee. Taking a step back and engaging in some good old fashioned friendship really is the cure for a lot of ails.
3. STICK TO YOUR BUDGET: This holds true for the holiday season AND for your wedding. Ask any expert and they will tell you to stick to your budget! A budget helps keep you on the straight and narrow and doesn’t allow you to make impulse purchases. Even though many of us hate to be restrained (especially when it comes to money) this restraint is necessary for your sanity (and your partners!).
4. DON”T FORGET YOUR HEALTHY HABITS- Do NOT stop working out, do not start overindulging, do not start smoking cigarettes just because you are enjoying a cocktail. Stay on your path of a healthy diet and exercise- you’ll feel better physically and emotionally when you adhere to a healthy lifestyle and you’ll have no reason to feel guilty!
5. LEARN TO SAY NO- WHAT? How is this possible? I didn’t say it was possible, but it is necessary. Whether it’s a co-worker's holiday party on a day you already have plans or an out of town engagement party your aunt’s cousin’s best friend wants to throw you, learn to say NO. Two simple letters that many of us find very difficult to say. We can’t do it all and it’s important to know that people will understand if you aren’t able to do EVERYTHING. Just make sure you understand too.
6. TAKE A BREATH: A simple automatic function of our body and yet we find it so hard to do. A simple breath will allow you to pause for a moment and just clear your head. Take 15 minutes and get some fresh air by taking a walk alone, listen to some relaxing music or take a few snapshots of your surroundings. Allow yourself to take some time to clear your head and breathe.
It’s a very exciting time of year- so many parties, so many wonderful things to celebrate and so much to be thankful for. But don’t put too much pressure on yourself this holiday or wedding season. Have fun, enjoy the moments (big and small) and just realize that all of this craziness around you could make a really great chapter in your autobiography someday!