Tip for the Day
Every now and then I see or hear something that makes me want to scream from the rooftops. Today, I have two things to scream about. So, I am going to climb onto that proverbial roof and share with you one of the biggest ways you can stress less about your upcoming wedding, the expenses and managing your finances.
Ready for it???….drum-roll (please)….
#1. open a separate “Big Day” Bank account.
It is that simple, all you two have to do is walk into your preferred bank branch and open an account, get the free checks and debit card and make an iron clad agreement that this is the only place Wedding Day funds are allowed to filter through. Many banks allow you to set up an automatic deposit or transfer from your paycheck or other accounts for free to help get it started.
Here, you can manage all your expenses, track vendor deposits, DIY expenditures from one account. Most importantly, you wont have to worry if a deposit is going to interfere with your car or mortgage payment. You will also be to track how all those ‘little projects” are adding up, which they tend to do and may even help curb those extra little impulse buys that you didn’t budget for and well, don’t really need anyway. Plus, once the wedding is over, you will have an account ready in both your names (you will just have to change your name if you choose to).
This way, whether you or your families are paying for the wedding, you know exactly how much and where you are spending..
#2. Enter our contest below to WIN free D.O.C. Services, words simply can’t explain how much your stress levels will drop after winning!!
Please feel free to contact me with any questions!
X’s and O’s, Care